Thursday, September 1, 2011

Danilo Brito │ Bandolim Virtuoso

Danilo Brito

In this edition of Angel Watchers we are featuring bandolim (mandolin) virtuoso Danilo Brito.  He was born in São Paulo, Brazil and started playing the bandolim at the age of three.  I am impressed by his impeccable phrasing and intonation.  It is very hard to get a good tone out of the bandolim as the notes die out very quickly, but in the hands of Danilo, the notes of the bandolim seem to ring out forever.  In the video below he is joined by: Eloy - violão; Felipe - cavaquinho; and Adalton - pandeiro.  The song is called "Meu Chorinho (My Little Cry)", and it was written by the famous choro composer Jonas do Cavaco.  Danilo has a terrific website that can be found at this link:  Danilo Brito - Official Website  Safe journeys to all the fans of Angel Watchers, wherever you may be.


  1. Very interesting blog, this one. Are you a member of the page? It's full of music that I think you might enjoy, based on the choirs that you've represented here.

    If you are, do you know how to register? Registration seems to be disabled at the moment, and I'd love to join the group.

  2. Hi benethlib,

    Thank you for the tip about You are correct. That site is not accepting registrations at this time, which is unfortunate as they have a huge library of wonderful material.

    With a hug,

