Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jorne Narberhaus │ Über den Wolken

In this edition of Angel Watchers I am featuring Jorne Narberhaus, who is an exciting new singer from Osnabrück, Germany.  I had featured Jorne previously on Angel Watchers, but the video of him that I had linked to is no longer available online, so I had to delete that post.  But, just by luck, I found another cool video of Jorne singing "Über den Wolken (Above The Clouds)".  This performance was recorded in Europa Park, which is located in Rust, Germany.  By-the-way, Jorne does an incredible cover of "Über den Wolken".  I can listen to it all day.  "Über den Wolken" was an international hit by Reinhard Mey in 1974.  Safe journeys to all the fans of Angel Watchers, wherever you may be.